Winston Churchil schreef :
'If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.'

Als je niet bereid bent te vechten voor het juiste/het recht wanneer je makkelijk kunt winnen zonder bloedvergieten; als je niet bereid bent te vechten wanneer de overwinning zeker is en niet kostelijk; dan kan je tot op het moment komen dat je toch zal moeten vechten met alle kansen tegen je, en er slechts een kleine kans op overleven bestaat. Het kan zelfs zover komen dat je zal moeten vechten wanneer er geen hoop meer is op overwinning omdat het beter is te sterven en vergaan dan te leven als slaven."

14 januari 2013

Winning against all odds

Ter archivering
Leon Peacock & Nicky Lamprecht
Under white rule South African troops were sacrificed to keep Europe free from the Nazi threat,then troops were sacrificed to help American troops in Korea. Then because America was at war with Russia and Communism South African troops were sacrificed in Angola. This was done so that America could sell off their old weapons and when we stopped buying their weapons and making our own The world turned on South Africa and forced whites out of power so that black terrorists who they think they can control would get power. Are they all in for a suprise this world of traitors.

Antoine Griffon:
The traitors in Europe are giving military support to so called 'threatened' black and Arab populations everywhere in Africa, even when it is foreseen that once they will turn against us if we stop paying and helping them. But at the same time they are letting down their own sort and blood-descendants in South Africa and Rhodesia, who came indeed to help us out when we needed them. I feel deeply ashamed about the majority of European politicians. Although supporters are growing in numbers an they tend to organise better, we are not enough nor strong enough to beat these traitors out of their offices and power. Although with many, i feel sometimes helpless and standing alone. But then I remember the battle of Bloedrivier or the 300 Spartans. Yes I'm sure, we will have to really fight again, not for others this time, but for ourselves!

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